Thursday, March 29, 2007

yo, its me again. yeterdae sally waz sick, but today shesfine, im happy for tat. well, the chalet is going vari SLOWLYYYYY......... all the odds are against me, and today, the stupidzhao fa, the onli other organiser besides me, decided to pang seh me, and well, betray me, just at the time when i needed his help and support the most. zhaofa is now quitting frm hiz organiser "duties", which also means tat dickhead will not be a organiser anymore, which also means i hav to do everything on my own. FCUK........ censored version.haiz, tat evil zf. haiz. im not vari sure tat tis chalet qwill be a success, im not even sure there will BEa chalet at all. but one things 4 sure. i will never give up, as i realiwant tis chalet, and i will fight anf organise it till the end, becuz THIS IS THE CHALET THAT'S WORTH FIGHTING FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! er... now tat waz a bit too emo. fine ten. btw, i will be going 4 tat speech dae crap, as i won an award 4 best english results last year, in sec2 express level......... but seriously, im not treali lookin foward to the chalet. ok ten, ending here.

posted by CTC @ 10:32 PM

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Wah, todae vari boring, watch tv frm morning till afternoon 4pm...... si bei slack lor. haiz, my comic is going at a vari slow pace, so slowly....... yesterday me and yf go central library, tat idiot did not borrow any books in the end..... syupid ass, waste the journey onli, but i did go to the zone x arcade and play, si bei swang, i love the bloody arcade. next. be cuz it waz still early, we go to j8, dunno do wad. yf go see his gundam stuff, i go arcade play again! btw, j8 now open 1 new arcade, at top level. hm, looks like im gettin better at TIME CRISIS 4.......hahaha. then, we took bus back to0 central, and go amk hub a while, be 4 goin home, hm, going out him him onli iz vari boring, but kian en cannot as he got npcc. this weekend like no homework, but must write the stoopid lines tat the crazy miss chin give the entire claz, tat bitch. btw, one more thing, i realised tat sallyhaz changed her specs. sum ting like white .... cream ...or pink colour, i dunno, cannot see clearly, as it blends in with her skin colour. hm, still prefer her blue one. ok ten, until here 4 2dae. tata.

posted by CTC @ 1:51 AM

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Urghhh... it's me again...... haiz, i damn suay lor, these 2 daes down with fever...... haiz....... cannot go to my "Precious" school. hm, lucky me, tis week like no homeworks at all leh, but ten, got bio aa and chem aa must pass up, i also dunno wad 2 stressful and tiring. anywae, i did sum comic drawing 2dae, but not much. but there's one good thing bout' being qabsent, though. NO ELDDS!!!!! WEEEE!!!!! so swang lor! no need face those bloody banglas again. ok ten, until here, i gotta sleep liao. nitey night. adios.=D

posted by CTC @ 6:58 AM

Sunday, March 18, 2007

yo, its me again. wah, these 3 daes hav been vari busy, and btw, sadly, ssb did not get in the campus superstar thingy, and he saes he wants to try again next year, if possible. good kuck, ten, ssb. after tat we went 2 orchard, at the hmv there, i bought a music cd...... $38,..... so ex. ten we go central zonex play arcade....... . todaes yufeng b. day, ssb and i go out with him, 4 present we treat him $5 each, to go play arcade....... he play the shooting game.... rather bad at it..... first we go suntec, ten go the crappy causeway point, there so sian, nothing to do, so play arcde again....... heh, tomorrow school reopen liao....... dunno if i shud be lookin foward 2 it or not..... haiz. it iz now......actually from tomorrow, its 68 MORE DAYS TO HOLIDAYS. hm, but if thre is to be a chalet n bbq, must plan fast liao, mucs hav bbq settled, and chalet bookd by the end of mid april, as after tat hav 2 concentrate on mid year exams liao....... yf sae he will not be goin 4 chaalet, he saes he will be going to work durin june holidaes. he, dun care him. but, i just hope tat i can successfully organise tis outing myself....... actually there are 2 organisers, zhao fage and me, but he very busy , so cnat do ant thing....... so i guess everything's up 2 me now...... haiz. must try my best, cause i reali want tis chalet. ......... jia you! bye , now.=)

posted by CTC @ 4:51 AM

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Today wake up so early, now i at central mac, later must meet ssb and yf at mrt station, we going 2 toa payoh hdb hub 4....... CAMPUS SUPERSTAR!!!!!! yeah, kian en is gonna join , and he's gonna sing!! cool rite???? heh, i just wish him gd luck frm here!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!TKE !!!!

posted by CTC @ 4:53 PM

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Yo! it's me again! hahaha! i'm glad to see tat the war in the 3e1 tagboard between me, noudalim, sandra and a few others has finally ended, no more conflict, PEACE FOREVER!!!!!! by the wae, 2dae hav the stoopid eldds, i'm getting more and more irritated with the bloody drama instructor....... stupid bitch..... nva mind, ten. at least 4 the holidaes no more stupid eldds.phew, now tas over. just now talk to melvin on phone, we tok bout chalet and stuff, he give many interesting ideas, particularly the one on having the BBQ on the second nite...... hm, tat reali is a fine idea..... and he also said many other useful points..... hm, must start asking pple to go liao, must finish everyting, including the booking of the chalet, by the end of next month, which is april. cannot later ten tat, or else no more chalets left, and er, finish faster iz better, so we can concentrate on preparing 4 the mid year exams. ........ haiz, tomorrow going to go school present eng aa liao, damn stressed lors. nva mind, shuld not be tat hard. oh yeah, and i counted, from tis saturdae til the start of holidaes, left 70 MORE DAYS TO HOLIDAYS. yeah, left 70 daes, til exams finish, and holidaes start...wee!!! but ten i scared got those bloody remidials, but nva mind tat crap, still earli. ok ten, i shall go to the BATTLEFRONT tomorrow. ADIOS, AMIGOS!!!!!!!!!=D

posted by CTC @ 7:09 AM

Monday, March 12, 2007

Hm...... i finally realise why all the 3e1 pple enjoyed the camp so much.......... it is I , not THEm, who has the problem......... but sum things......... will never be the is no longer 2e3.... i shud keep tat in mind........bye now.

posted by CTC @ 6:25 AM

Sunday, March 11, 2007

HELLO, crappies..... its been long.... actually maybe not tat long since i wrote.. growth camp just over, and now, vari tired, so sianz. HEH, just read 3e1 blog, woah, CRAZY sia! hey hav a bloody ,nonsensical,......ur, WADEVER.......toot TOOT crappy ur...... wadever....VIDEo inside.....first time i saw the video, i thought sucksi went to another blog or sum thing..... humph, but later on, i realised tat piece of crap waz actually ......quite FUNNY!!!!! it waz so bloody F***ING FUNNY.... and it waz stooooopid...... BUT I LIKE IT, MAN!!!!! wacko! crazYYYY!!!!!! WOO hoo!! that was the most STUPIDEST, F***ED-UP cheer i had ever heard, it waz bloody irritating, a stupid piece of crap, but it waz funny. i laughed my guts out. (sori 4 the coarse stuff just now, just couldnt help it) xp. so, here ten. tis years growth camp wasnt much fun, to me. last year's waz better. heh, with tat bloody cockroach man and fatass and all, it was rader crap, but dun give a damn bout those dicks. anyway, i played lots of new gamez, frm the zipline, to the kayaking. but to me, the camp still sucks, l0r. heh, i just cant bloody understand why the TOOT everyone is so BLOODY HIGH about the camp. zhao fage, more importantly. read the 3e1 tag board, he saes he will retain one more year just 2 experience tat stoopid camp again. WTF!!!! he nuts or wad, like i said, mani of these guyz still HIGH about the camp. like when after the camp, at school. like wen zhao fa, chiha and adrian.... and sum girls. like wen they stood at the school's foyer entrance. like wen they just like......F***ING made a fool outta' themselves, singing, and acting out all that BLOODY crappy cheers and songs frm the camp. WTF!!!!! it waz like, me and kalai sitting there, watching a few mentally ill dudes, doing indecent acts at the school entrance. WTF. if i waz a passer by, and didnt noe tat waz a school, i did thought tat there waz a second pathlight here......... haiz. both kalai and i thought tat those guys were too high, and making a fool outta themselves. but, i still cant see why.WHY???? WHY???? WHY THE F***does every one like tat bloody camp tat much? I JUST DUN F***ING understand???!!!!! SHIT!!!!!!!! haiz, hav 2 admit, the camp waz ok....... but, ten, ........and anywae, i DID enjoy the camp. but, i just dun understand why........ how isit possible for them, especially zhaofage, 2 feel so HIGH bout the camp? was it tat grest? i DUN think SO! WTF? i really dun understand. the camp WAZ ok, but, how waz it so good tat it could make zhao fa, and many others, feel so greatly about it? to like it? to feel high about it? to WORSHIP it? ok.... i may be a bit TOO exagerrating at tis point....... will nva noe why, but i still tink the camp wasnt that heavenlym as they sae. WONDERFUL CAMP??!! HUMPH!!!!! MY ASS !!!!!!!!! still, i hav yet 2 un derstand, .......WHY . never mind tat...... and to anyone who reads tis...... if anyone even BOTHERS too.... i'm really sori 4 all tat bad words, just tat i thought tat waz like, the onli wae i could xpress myself. ok ten, end here....... getting vari f***Ing tired. whoops. said it again. heh, still, there waz a VARI MEMORABLE experience....... but i wont elaborate further on it. fate? puh lease. onli yufeng cares bout such crap.ok ten, tis shall be the last ever offensive entry i write, in future, no more bad stuff...........i think. to anyone.... if anyone.......i offended, sorry, ok. bye bye. xp xp xp xp xp xp xp xp xp xp.

posted by CTC @ 3:11 AM

Friday, March 02, 2007

Hey, here to post again! yesterdae went to the crappy cAreer fatr thingy, so sian, but later went to arcade with yufeng and kian en, and then go eat dinner and ten shop aqround 4 a while. later, we took a bus home, bus ride took almost an hour.... by the time reach home 10+ liao, my mother had help me print the chalet info, just now yu feng cum my house, he sae good..... maybe there might be hope 4 a chalet after all!! 0ok ten, until here! byee!

posted by CTC @ 11:00 PM

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