Monday, February 26, 2007

Yo! it's ctc here again!heh, these two daes vari tiring, but finally, 2 tests finish! yesterday hav home econ and bio test, the bio test damn easy lor! however, i wasnt exactly prepared 4 the f&n test, the crappy panir say it was today, actually was yesterday! nva mind, at least i still got study a bit, oh yah, and susanna the nerd was caught for cheating at the f&n test yesterdae! haha! serves the bloody nerd rite. she so "cum gong" , she taught the OM blind wun, just take textbook copy, and she just got caught, like tat. oh yah , yesterday and today F&n teacher nva cum, 2 dae hav 3 free periods!in the end, the nerd was sent 2 thegeneral office!!!! MWA HA HA HA!!!!!! take tat, bitch! 2dae waz ok, just tat the chem lesson waz so boring, and also the bloody bald bala's maths lesson. wadever, 2dae still ok, my eng aa still left the typed report and power point nva do,2morow can get back bio result liao. hm, later on got te stupid eldds, cant rite aso much ......... ah, by the wae, i dunno if i should be looking foward 2 or dreading the growth camp......... haiz! wad 2 do, its compulsary! maybe it wont be tat bad....... i think! ok ten, until here! bye!=)

posted by CTC @ 10:34 PM

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Hello, here to post again, nothing much today , just tat i dun feel well...... next week vari siao, got so many tests, and must pass up laods of home wk...... haiz, very sian. 2morow hav a lame bio test, tyes got f&n test, thurs i tink got history test. hm, dun care tat. i hav been thinking of organising a chalet outing in the june holidaes, possibly with the help of zhao fa, but i dunno leh, seeing as though last year's chalet waz a disaster, mostly due to those assholes gambling poker, and stuff like tat. zf also chose the wrong chalet, pasir ris chalet sucks, down town east ten good, but he chose pasir ris............and the rest is history. tat said, i dunno weder zf is in favour of tat, even though he likes the idea, i still hav to find sum of his time 2 discuss , he really is a busy dude, alwayz not free wun.wadever, now still early, still hav 3 months be4 the holidaes, next month the holidays also useless, so, just lookin' foward 2 the june holidaes........ but it doesn't hurt to prepare earli.........right? xp. tat said, maybe if possible, we shud plan at least 1 month in advance...... but i think zhaofage has already planned a bbq outing durin' the june holidaes, but it wud be better if there waz a chalet...... nvm, ten. bye bye......=]

posted by CTC @ 12:06 AM

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Here to post again! yeah! todae i vari happy, the english aa dateline extended! lucky , or else i die liao! but, on monday still have to passup the typed report, but nva mind, can do wan lah. I just visited mac , the mac spicy so nice! ok ten, i sae until here. bye!

posted by CTC @ 10:38 PM

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

YO YO YO!!!!! its ctc again.... it has been a long time since i wrote ...... hm, sori, i had little time to tag, very busy with my new crappy english blog. now the cross country finish liao, tat day i drank more than 15 cups of milo. haiz, for chinese new year i recieved quite little money from the red packets, but nva mind. woah, there are many programmes comin up, including the school excursion to suntec next friday, and the growth camp next month be4 the holidaes, which will most probably be taken over by the bloody eldds....... whatever. next week got many yests coming up, must go study liao. oh yeah, and todae yu feng the sick guy never come..... hm, i guess he was not too sick in the head todae..... like he saes" one must be sick in the mind in order not to be sick physically".......haiz. yu feng and he twisted theories. tata, then.

posted by CTC @ 8:21 PM

Thursday, February 08, 2007

hihi! itsme again, i hav just finished printing info for my home econ "task analysis" haiz, finally finish liao, so swang!!!! woo hoo!!!=) now tas cool.... but i still hav to write it all out, of course. quite a few daes nva post liao, 2 dae damn swang lor! my poa test get 31/34..... convert to 100 marks...... =91/100!!!!!!! weee! yeah! im also stating to get the hang ofit, just tat the "t" format thing and the "debit credit" nonsense i not so sure..... tis weekend damn a lot of homework, got bio, got history, also hav 2 read social studies.... so sian, but ok LAH. 2 dae iz also o level results dae, when the upper sec dudes cum collect their results.....toot. those guyz must be damn nervous...... but their darkest hour shall be our finest. still, 2 yearz later, on this dae, this date.......[tentative] we will face our destiny, as WE go collect our o level results....... so must prepare liao, for our "finest hour" toot. so there, tats all..... oh yah, and i just finished my latest comic, "2e3 crisis" featuring dahhnie, hui hui, jiawen, aswin ,panir, yunlong, chia hao and the evil POH YU FENG as the evil mastermind, those who want to see dahhnie and jia wen blast the crap out of yufeng, READ MY COMIC ASAP!!!!! bye bye!!!!!=) xp.

posted by CTC @ 11:05 PM

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

today very crappy, not 2 mention sian.... tis week hav bio test... i think, and next week got chem test, wah lau aye... vary sianz. 2 dae also got emath retest, also vary difficult... hm. melvin told mi earlier in the dae tat many people fail the a maths test... b aswin fail, tuban fail, brandon got zero.... haha.... not to laugh at him, but i think aswin won him... not 2 sae im vary good, if i take a maths i get ungraded!!!!!!xp. these few daes so stressful, got lots of crap 2 do, including the home econ "task analysis" thingy , which must pass up by 13 feb, be4 valentines dae.... sian. 2dae panir nva cum, so 4 f and n i hav 2 partner with a certain ex-2e1 guy called joel..... he at first not cooperative, i feel like smacking his ballz... ur, just kidding, but later on he quite ok lah, then a fucking nerd bitch in my stupid class called susanna call joel and me wash the rice cooker... we made disgusting chicken rice n tofu soup 2 dae. prob is, susanna and her partner, siti, were the last 2 use it... and then she call us 2 wash. siti had a headache or sum thing at tat time, so she couldnt wash the stuff....... but in the end, joel washed the cooker..... stupid susanna.... i shall refer 2 her as "the nerd" frm nw on. now i at com lab, by the wae, i change muzic liao, got any comments bout it can tell mi in the tagboard....... haiz, 2 major projects cumming up..... got 2 work harder.... tooot!!! see ya.=) xp.

posted by CTC @ 12:02 AM

Friday, February 02, 2007

yo... now very tired, just finished creating and writing my new blog.... actually 4 the crappy english aa crap thingy... haiz, so sian. hav a lot of big projects comin up, my home econ crap, and tis stoopid english crap nonsense..... haiz=( these few daes rader ok, not that much home work, but i hav abio and chem test cumming up, crap. =( tis sucks ,u noe!? hmmm...its been long since there were anyoutings, let alone holidaes. hm. looking foward 2 any holidays avaliable..... so sian, tis year quite stressful, with all those toot tests. by the way, kenneth and chia hao, if u are reading this..... STOP TAT LAME SPAMING, U TWO JACKASSES!!!!! =( U idiots.. stupid bithches.... u two suCK! either u sae sum thing decent inthe tag board, or u dont tag at all. CHILDISH ASSHOLES. stop tat, and dont do it ever again, or i'll do the same 2 u!!!!!! =( xp.tata.=)

posted by CTC @ 10:13 PM

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