Wednesday, January 17, 2007

hihi, ctc posting again. actualy, nowadaes dunno why i wanna post, no one cum read mi blog.... so sad... not tat everyone wuns 2 read, but well..... nva mind. clasz blog also no new entry, tag tag tag also useless. haiz, very sianz.... cuz tat mean tat no more 2e3, meanz no more claz blog?haiz, sad case.=( 2 dae all the lessons boring like siao, got bald bala, got commander chin, got so many ass hole crap teachers... not 2 mention subjects.........haiz. next week got heritage tour... but itz rader useless, aint it!? last year if we go, we could go, we go as a class, now no more 2e3 liao, must go with our weired new claz, vari sad, not together anymore.... but soon, i think we will even forget each other.... but thats sum thing we can never avooid: our destinies. ok ten, i shuld stop all tis crap... beggining 2 sound more and more like yu feng. humph. so, any wae, i just hav 2 do wad i think is right.....and continue with my crappy life.... anywae, whos 2 noe wad the future holds!!?? ........ towards a never ending tomorrow. adieu, my friend.=)

posted by CTC @ 11:42 PM

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

hey hey, itz ctc here 2 post again.... its another boring dae, with eldds and all tat crappy shite. humph.. actually dun noe if i shud "pon ten" eldds. hmm. see first. by the way, my brother in arms, kian en, now likes a girl frm his class.... hmmm. knew it wud happen sooner or later..... haiz. life' s like tat. like girl, get rejected, like another, get rejected.... the same old bloody cycle repeats over and ova again. wonder wads so good bout tis crap. but for ssb, i think he stands a rader high chance... with his good looks and all... but ten again, whoz 2 sae!?wheter he will suceed or not, i dunno, but i wish him..... ur.... good luck.(i think?) =] however, tis girl seemz 2 hav left sum bad impression on yufeng n melvin, with yu feng calling her "indecent" (biased) and melvin callin' her..... a BITCH. hmm. nice one..... but i wonder why. i dunno much bout tis person, so i not gonna comment. tats all ten. tis keeps getting crappier n crappier. tata ten.=)

posted by CTC @ 10:33 PM

Sunday, January 14, 2007

yoz its mi again... here very quiet hor!!? so long no one tag liao, very sian.nva mind. just came back from outing with the nutty yu feng. we go see "death note 2" the movie vary cool, so nice 2 see. actualy chi ha was supposed 2 go with us, but ten he sae his fader sae tooo ex, problem is, its onli $1 . piece of crAP. AIYOH, MORE Shitty excuses again. dun want go , just sae. dont give lame excuse. just like kian en, he also like givin crap excuses. to mi, one dollar is rather crap. not that i am very rich or stuff, but, if even "poor" yu feng can afford wun dollar, whats wun dollar 2 chia hao!!? humph, as if he is tat poor. $1 can do wad!?? buy one bubble tea!? go toilet 10 times!!?? or telephone call 10 times!!?? cRaPPy. so, anywayz, we go plaza sing watch, after t6at go suntec, there, i saw gundam song disc at"HMV" actually wanna buy, be cuz vary hard 2 find good music, ten i see the price. WTF. sooooo ex. one album cost $72. SERIOUSLY. vary ex rite!!?? rite. can go toilet 720 times, not 2 mention telephone call 720 times.... also not 2 mention 72 cups of bubble tea. SUPER CrApPy......xp ten later we go central 4 a while be 4 goin home. yufeng still interested in gundam, keep on lookin at model kit.... so childish... grow up lah. xP 2 dae he also keep talkin bout his "BELOVED" oh shit, shouldnt sae tat. every thing bout huihui.... oi, like they sae, give up lah.... useless wun. not like i expert, but its the truth. vary sian, 2 morow got school, must face crappy commander chin again. sian, haiz.=( so, see ya. gotta go. bye.=)

posted by CTC @ 2:36 AM

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

hello...... its me here 2 post again..... school reopen two weeks liao, and i can sae, its rather sian. i have a few rather new subjects, and i think tat i can cope ok...... its just that got not much company from my friends, onli melvin and clifford. i tink i am doin ok ,though, my new class mates arent THAT bad.... in fact, im statin 2 get used 2 my new claz. 2dae waz rather ok. in e mornin, yu feng saes he wants to quit his cca... i also dunno why, but i tink becuz....its too tough??!! ten later, the rest of the dae can lah, quite ok. clifford saes wan challenge me, chi ha, kian en, chia hao and melvin in counter strike.hehe, i tink he will lose 4 sure.i may not beable 2 beat him, but kian en , with his flash bangs, and chi ha with his bullpup sure can. im startin 2 sound rather borin, eh? right. suddenly fell vary sian.haiz.=( maybe becuz 2dae nothing interesting 2 write... my life iz rather boring these daes. must study hard 2 get good results.HUMPH. so much 4 being "guai" tata then.see ya.=)

posted by CTC @ 10:34 PM

Saturday, January 06, 2007

PART TWO........... im gonna make this rather short since u will probably be quite sian after reading an entry full of useless chalet ccrap..... ok. here i go. the first dae of school waz, rathercrappy, i met all my dreaded new classmates, andthey are all a stoopid bunch of arses. i even hav those strange repeat guyz in my class, dun bother bout them. my new form teacher is chia hao.... ur... seriously! hie is mister koh, and his full name is koh chia hao. my co teacher is miss low, and most of my other tchers are a bunch of shit. first of all, i have BLOODY BALA as my MATHS TEACHER. he sucks, he talks damn funny, with his crappy accent, and, i doubt he even knows how 2 teach. he teaches us all the easy stuff, which we understand, but not the difficult stuff. next, i have theCRAZY COMMANDER CHIN as my ENGLISH TEACHER.when i sae tat she is a commander, i mean literaly. she seems like she is from the army, she is so strict tat everyone hates her.... she treats us likr army recruits, commanding us 2 do tis n tat. every ting we sae 2 her must end with "YES MS CHIN" why not sae"YES MA'AM " instead. then, she shouts so loud, it can make us deaf. as if she is barking orders for us to do, like an army commander instructing his soldiers. she really is a nasty piece of shit. ten, one of my class ,mmates accidentally calls her "mrs chin" and she scolds him. why, i cant imagine who will even want 2 marry her! nuts! ten she will be treating our class like her very own army, barking out orders all the time,and she even has those stoopid set of crappy "special" rules we hav 2follow, suggesting all sorts of sick punishments and tortures.... even morestrict ten the army!nut job... maybe we should rename our class as the "3e2 bootcamp" humph. she also talks in tat stoopid, cocky and sacarstic voice.... so sucky. plus, she is so large, she should be twice the size, weight and height of sasi kala!!! and, before she comes in 2 class, we nav to stand up in attention....or risk a scolding from commander chin.freaky bitch. might as well add a salute too!!?? i hope she gets blasted in her noggin by a shotgun a hundred times. ta said, not all my teachers this year are tat bad, and most of them are rather nice. during recess and in the mornin, we 2e3 guys will group up... i hope tis continues to happen. many of us wish that 2e3 is all together again, but tis will nver happen, and so we must still continue ti search for salvation... and hope for a better tomorrow. any way, who's to know wad the future holds? but one things for sure.....THE 2E3 BOND WILL NEVER DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted by CTC @ 1:29 AM

PART ONE ............... ok, so the story haz 2 start at sum point. ok. here we go.the first day...... i just came out frm the showers wen chi ha appeared at my door step, and ten he read my comic awhile, ten we leave. we ten take my dad taxi 2 zhao fage's house, and ten zf stuff all the food into the boot, n we go. when we reached there, my dad go collect the keys, and we go inside the chalet.... wtf. it looks rather ugly n bare inside, and no xbox console, but zf tell us hav xbox con sole. damn. nva mind, so we unpack, and ten we go up play cardz... for quite a while, until xin ni, adrian and kenny cum. at last. ten we weny 2 downtown east food court, xin ni n adrian go buy food, the rest say that they are so short, they cannot bi seen in the crowd...haha. ten we vari sian, when they return , we leave,and go to the gigantic cheers there. we buy coffee, kenny buy lays, zf n chi ha buy root beer. ten we go back rest 4 a while, ten chi ha spill his root beer, upsrairs so dirty.eww.ten yu feng,xin yi, yun long, tian yi and brandon arrive, kenny go fetch them. the others go swimming, and i stay at the chalet, watching tv. after a while, kenneth bring the others back, and i meet that stoopid yu feng again, he sae that he will apologisr to hui hui tat nite,.... ok....... ten we all spend the next few hours at the chalet doing pratically nothing, the indians came, and left. then wantian sally called, sae they are lost, and zhao fa try to tell them directions, but they do not understand........ zhao fage call mi 2 pick them up...... huh!? later, wehead to the bech bbq pit, and i hav 2 escort sally, wantian n the indians to the bbq site, soon the bbq was in full swing,i in charge of making the drinks.... we start 2 cook the food, ten chia hao go play sparklers..... soon, kasturi leave, and then jia wen cum. yu feng was avoiding huihui, dunno why. ten he start blabbering all bout his h2 nonsense, so i call him 2 shut up n eat his shit. miss chan and mdm faizah also got come, and ten, yu feng sae he had a stomach ache, want 2 go toilet, and went back 2 the chalet... his real motive waz 2 follow huihui , who also went back 2 the chalet. so despo. ten everyone leave, onli chi ha and mi left, hav 2 clear all the mes...... when i finallygo back 2 the chalet, it was very noisy and chaotic upstairs, so i went down 2 bathe, and saw melvin wearing almost none-exsistent shorts..... lol. ten ,after bathing,thre mirror got condensation. i write my name and my finger got paper cut. creepy, so much 4 the cursed mirrors in the chalet,melvins hand aso got cut bythe mirror upstairs.... creepy. ten jiawen n huihui leave,zf and mel be men and escort tem 2 bus stop.... in the end, yufeng chicken out, and tell zf and mel 2 help him apologise to hui. they cum back,and tell yf her reply,"SO DRAMA".... wonder wad tat means,any way, the reat ofthe nite and next morin were spent downstairs... the pigs upstairs had locked us out... wtf. by the wae, yun long bought beer!~! woah. ten i stat 2 hav these bad headaches... ten we go 2 the beach 4 fresh air..... hoping 2 seethe sunrise, but we were in the wrong direction... diao.... kenny caught a cold... and oh yah! isaw a shooting star.. but no one believe me. ten we go back and asleep.... so sian. ten zhao fa , me and yufeng go eat kfc, yf go buy soccer ball, ten we go back, i slept, and they played ba;ll by the stairs, the ball hit me a few times. ouch. ten adrian, chi ha and gang went 2 escape, i too tired 2 go. after a while, we went to down ton east food court hav sum drinks , ten go arcade play, ten go back.later, we go beach, intending on playing sparklers, but wind too srong, fire cannot start, i found a dead crab!!! cool. chia hao took a stick and hit the crab.... like playing golf,... aka crabgolf. later, we had instant noodles 4 dinner. everyone left, so sad. onli left me, chi ha, zhao fage and adrian. so, play monoply, i first 2 bankrupt.... hehe. ten, we took turns sleeping, and the next mornin, we go yht park play soccer, of course, i nva play. we also go public shower 2 bathe, cause our chalet toilet too dirty n smelly, sum more got two cockroach die there be 4. soon, we checked out, and go eat mac breakfast....ahhhhhhh.... the tastiest food i have had in 3 daes. ten we go arcade play 4 a while, ten we go play xbox!!!! i team up with zhaofa, and we won adrian and ch two matches to one. soon, my dad came and picked us up..... adrian, chi ha and zhao fa slept like babies, while i listened 2 ny mp3.. ireally pity my new shoes... so dirty and muddy... should not hav worn them 2 the chalet... when i got home, i had a bath, and slept till next afternoon...... so suang, the best sleep in along time.... over all, the chalet sucked to the core, but there were sum priceless, fun and memorable moments, tat will stay close 2 our hearts... 4 ever.

posted by CTC @ 12:25 AM

yo... its been an extremely long time since i wrote..... and sorry lah, but no chance!! nva go lan, and my com got sianz.=( ok ok ok thwen, where do i start!? oh yah, the last time i wrote, it was be 4 the chalet.... now the chalet is over, and it is 2007, a new stupid school year, with idiot classmates(the non-2e3 pple) strange "repeat" guyz, crappy teachers, and worst of all, we crappiez are all seperated!! nooooo.... cry wiv ,me...=(=( so, wsince my entry iz gonna bi vari long, i going to divide it into two, one 4 the chalet, n the other bout my newlife in 3e2...... so just bear with mi, i got lots 2 write... and lots of catching up 2 do.... by the way, my two new comics, "2E3 DESTINY" and'THE 2E3 CRAPPY CHALET' is out now! be sure 2 read it!=)

posted by CTC @ 12:12 AM

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