Sunday, November 12, 2006

hellooo.... i tink quite long nva write liao.... my new mp3 iz doin great, n yesterday, went 2 plaza sing n city hall 2 find pouch 4 mi mp3... manage 2 find a nice 1 at adidaz citie link.=) by the way, i counted and it iz exactly 21 MORE DAES TILL CHALET!!!! weeee!!! cant wait 4 it..... hmmm... looking foward 2 thrashing the other boiz at halo 2.. mwa ha ha ha ha ha!!!!:P see u guyz ten, bb.

posted by CTC @ 9:06 PM

Thursday, November 09, 2006

yoyoyyooo.... it has been... maybe quite long since i wrote.. n today..... i hate 2 sae it but, it is the end of 2e3...... ev ery one cry!!! BOO HOO HOO... SOOO sad!!!! haiz.... i also have a good news actually.....I BOUGHT A MP3!!!!! it is a latest samsung model, cost 300+!!! it is sparkling jet black, n comewith damn cool speakerz, attatched!!! now, 2 dae waz a crappy day. in the morning, i reach busstop, and i realise i left my wallet at home.... so i run alllll the wae back, to get me wallet, and runnnnn allll the way back 2 the bus stop and take the bus..... only 2 find that mrs ng nva cum, so no maths remidial....... SHIT! [good exercise, anywae] =( =) then later, ms lim give out the photos... and then showed us a power point she designed specially 4 2e3, 4 US.......... so touching..... and give us a cd too.....and then the results..... so, many of the girls went 2 3e1, but i am surprised tat aswin , chi ha, tian yi n brandon made it.......... hope they can cope well next year.... i, ... went 2 3e2... together with clifford, melvin n man!!! i did not regret my results, although i put pure az mi first choice, i dun think i would bi able to cope with pure..... so sad tat ssb n yu feng go 3e3......but at least i still got many friends from 2e3 with mi. sally... well, sally went 2 pure science class, and i wish her good luck 4 the year ahead, i think she can cope, she's vary smart.... kinda sad though, not same claz as her, but i should not despair. even though i appealed and went 2 the same class az her, it6 would do mi no good,,,, i would npt bi able 2 cope..... and sacrificing my future 4 matters of the heart n feelings... is just not worth it...... i shall strive in my questy 4 salvation, and i shall try my best 2 improve more next year...... i am quite sad , but one must learn 2 let go... ... every thing iz fated ,n if this is fate, n i hav 2 leave her... so beit..... embrace my destiny, and hope 4 the best, towards a brighter future, and hope for a better tomorrow. this is not the end, wheter i still like her next year, i dunno. but one thing iz 4 sure. sally will always be in a special place of my heart, and i will treasure the precious memories of her, the class, my friends, and the fun times i had with every 1 in 2e3....... thank u evary 1 4 being there 4 mi these 2 good long yearz, i really appreciate it, and i will remember these moments 4 ever......... so i wish all of u good luck 4 the bright year ahead, and 2 every one reading this, hope 4 a BRIGHTER FUTURE AND A BETTER TOMORROW!!!!! bye bye, zai jian, tata, adios.2E3 4 EVA!!!!!!!!!!=)=)=)=)=)

posted by CTC @ 9:34 PM

Monday, November 06, 2006

hello everyone..... todays a very sick dae, so long nva write liao. later goin see the grudge 2....... so lame, dun feel like seein, tat stoopid movi, i dun thinl it will be scary..... scared of ghost 4 wad!!!?? just use vacum cleaner suck lor.... haha.=p anywayz i am thinking bout buyin new xbox game.... 2 buy or not 2 buy.... the way, last sunday went 2 vivo city with yufeng .... it so suckz, man, 2 all ofu guyz and galz who wun 2 go to e vivo citie, DONT!!!!! very confusing, very easy get lost, onli two floors, nothing 2 si.... although outside got nice view of sentosa.... yf sae tat it is vary romantic, sae he wan 2 see sunset with hiz beloved h2... or sum ting like tat... eeeee... so 'rou ma'..... yf really thinkz ahead of thingz...planning 4 his future all ready....but huihui dun like him!!! fancy thinkin, yf, but u got 2 do more ten tat... not that i am encouraging him, or supporting him, 4 tat matter.....=] ten yf entire dae tok bout h2, and sae tat he wun to wear his"NICE" outing clothes 2 chalet, to let h2 si...... puh lease lah, yf!!! U DRESS UNTIL SO OLD N UNCLE STILL want people 2 see u... not like i dress vary nice but everywun will sure agree that your dressing very old looking.......k ten, zf pestering mi, to let him play hiz stoopid game, so lame.... bye ten1 ps: zhao fa is a jerk.

posted by CTC @ 7:15 PM

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