Tuesday, October 31, 2006

yoyoyo....heyheyhey........ im back, man! what a long time since i wrote.... much haz happened... with all that yu feng liking huihui crappy nonsense.... and stuff..... yesterday just went with kian en n yf 2 watch DOA...the show soooo lame, dun bother watching!! =( yufeng keep telling mi crap bout h2, but i sort of understand him, as last time i waz also like tat..... anyway, i seriously think that yf jumped the gun.... he was far tooo impulsive, and i think that he shocked h2.... she even wrote 2 him in class taggy not to harrass her.... becuz he keep calling her, and keep calling US to call her 4 him....... especially ssb and mi........ so crappy. yf said that he abandon his " DESTINY PLAN" and sayz tat he will stop bugging h2, but he stills likes her...... strange dude.... he even ask us if the chalet have a pool so that he can swim his so called 'good' frogstyle...... to impress h2....... DOTS........ 8o ........toooot........ xp tat dude just dosnt give up, duz he!!??? okokok..... i shouldnt be sayin tat much bout yf.. he got his own reasonz, too. so ok then, bye bye, and tata.=)

posted by CTC @ 7:23 PM

Friday, October 27, 2006

PART 3 OF 2 DAES LOHGGG ENTRY... I AM GETYTING TIRED TOO..... BUT PLEASE BARE WITH MI, OK!!!?? ..... ok. this sunday is sally's birthday, and i want to say happy birthday to you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SALLY!!!!! best wishes and may your dreams come true. i am really happy and contented to have u as a friend and class mate these two years. although u will probably going to the pure science class next year and me the combined science, i will not forget u, and when the skies are blue, i will be thinking of u. i hope we can meet again.... on a day as clear and blue as this, and if that time ever comes, you know that it will be forever, and u will always have a special place in my heart. enjoy your birthday, sally, and play hard... see u at the chalet... if u are coming. now that that is over, i want to say.... I REACHED MY TARGET!!!! i won both clifford and melvin in my end of year exam results!! OLAYYYY!!!!!yipeee!! coool!! yeah man!!!!! and 4 tat, i am overjoyed, happy and contented. i am sad, that next year we will all be in different classes.... but good luck everyone!! do ur best 4 next year.... and most of all....HOPE FOR A BETTER TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!! CRAPPIES 4 EVA!!!!!! ADIOS, BYE BYE, ZAI JIAN AND TATA!!!!! ENJOY ALL OUR CRAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!! 2E3!!!!!!!!!!

posted by CTC @ 1:03 AM

yo.... PART 2 OF 2 DAES LONG ENTRY....just bare with mi 4 a bit... haha. anyway on 25 october... which iz on the old clothes n newspaper collection dae, sum thing really great happened... i was paired with sally!!!! sally goh xue ling!!! sally and onli sally!!! we were the only 2 membas in the group..... it was pure magic..... so nicee...... how lucky.... but , as much as i have 2 say,... i dun believe in such 'pure' coincidences.... i ... i think that welll sum how.... it haz been set up.... maybe sum 1 set mi up ..... but... nva mind. anywaz, ihad joy n lotsa' fun.... hhaha. we talked quite a lot, and while sally called the residents out, i carried the stuff.... so heavy... but no problem! i can do it! i had 2 make various trips 2 down the lift and up..... but i enjoyed tat activity. when ever i saw her carrying sum heavy stuff , i would offer 2 carry the stuff 4 her.... i could not bare 2 see her tire herself up with the stuff, and hurt her delicate n gentle hands.... so i did all the heavy carrying, but at the end of the dae, it was worth it.......she really made my day.

posted by CTC @ 12:38 AM

hey hey heyz..... soooo lon gggg neva write liao..... exam finish already,,, last dae also ova.... haiz... very sad sia.... why no more 2e3!??? sooo sad, boo hoo hoo....... why.... on a lighter note, at least no need go school,.... not! next month have alll that mural painting, bridging n eldds nonsense!crapppp! go die, tose stinking crap stuff! waste our holidaes onli.... crap them! by the way, todays entry has 3 parts! PART1 .... WHICH IS TIS ENTRY, IS CRAP. PART 2, ABOUT THAT DAYS NEWSPAPER COLLECTING EXERCISE...... AND FINALLY PART3, BOUT SALLYS BHIRTHDAY. ok!? by the way, i am rather sad be cuz we will no longer be clazz liao...... i would wan 2 take tis chance 2 telll every one frm 2e3 tat i reallly enjoy being with u dudes, n i really had fun timez.... sorry, to every wun who i offended, n thank u 4 evary one who helped mi..... i really appreciated that.... 2 those who i offened, sorry...... i did not mean 2 do it. by the way, tat day, stupit yufeng revealed his 'personal secret' to mi.... so crappy....he likes HUI HUI and telll mi 2 call her 4 him.....haiz... so crappy. he say many 'rou ma' nonsense bout her.... and it is rather chilling, with him saying all that stuff, like him sayin' that she is cute n adorable...... i seriously did not expect him 2 like her, but who'z to noe!?:] dotss.......... anyway, gd luck... yf...[hahas] :p

posted by CTC @ 12:23 AM

Thursday, October 12, 2006

hey heyz...... baaaaack again!!! weeee!!! olay!! examz end liao... weee!! olay! yeah man! so cool!!! finally... after so long.... no more3 friggin examz!!!! cool! it has been vary da stressful 4 all of us..... but we finally did it!!!!! craPPIez 4 eva! anywayz, now i at lan shoppe with ssb....... just played cs... so cool!!! i blasted him in the head afew timez with e sniper rifle.... woo hoo! groovy man....... by the way, its been longgggg since i wrote and actually, no time n com lab close....boo hoo hoo...so sad. but now its freeedommmm.... and my latest comik, down memory lane, is done...... be sure to read it..... 2 morow is chi ha b. day.... hmmmm .....jno matta how crap, lame n cocky u are, i still wish ya a happie b. dae!!! happie b. dae, chi ha! by the way.... much has happened tis few weeks...... i got used to sallys chio new hairstyle..... and i think she looks more3 beautiful now! stay cute!!! hmmmmm....nowadeaz, i start to find crappy clifford more n more crap... he got attitude prob, man! now, he is no longer the "best friend" he called mi........ fcuk off , cw!u suck!!!! by the way, i would take this chance to sae sum ting..... zhao fa, u are a useless bus3rd!!! u are an asshole, a big dickhead!!! u sucker! u suggest the class chalet outing, tell every 1, say all that class bonding nonsense, n now u quit!!!! wtf!!! u mada fisher!! toot u! and why the hell u print all tat crap from class blog let us see! u sae that akll of us are wrong, u sae we should not criticise others...... but wtf do u noe!!!! we get along fine ok! u think u so great....... but u are not......sum more, i want to volunteer 2 organise chalet outing, u dont let mi....u leave it to adrian, ch, kenny and sum others, who u sae are "CAPABLE" AND "TRUS WORTHY"..... u stoopid female dogg..... they have not even done no shit, and u call them responsible...... not to scold or criticise them but u leave us when we need u the most!! how da f do u do such evil acts... i dunno.... if u want to sppear supreme, a leader and superior and better ten us, then organise!!! u talk so much cock, n u dun do anything! u are just acting like a fishin clown, 4 gods sake! u say even though organised, u wont cum.... ok then, fine! but, ssb n i are goin 2 organise, and we dun need ur help! fine! be crap all ya wun.... but we will not give up!!! by the way, if u, sum one else besides zf iz reading tis, im sry 4 all that scolding.... make u waste time reading..... but i really vary pissed off by his bou chup attitude... so there. and ch, kenny, adrian n others, i dunmean that u are bad/.... its just that u guyz... never do anything....anyway, dun talk bout that! hahahaha... cannot bi so sad because of that... if can organise, go. if cannot, then dun go lah! simple!anyway, i hope i can look at sallys face now... her beautiful cute face will cheer me up...haha.so byebye n see u again soon.=)

posted by CTC @ 1:28 AM

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