Friday, August 18, 2006

Today is a sucky boring sucks to the core.......... nothing much happen today.....haiz.....haiz....... these past few weeks so many stoopid homeworks and projects..... very tiring n depressing....haiz........last night went to see idol..... so crap. joaquim survives yet another round..... by the way, i dont quite know how to spell his name. sounds lke sum kind of flower... orchird. we went to thomson plazaK FC later and the service was crap as the food.......then i fell down and twist my leg. ouch. that sucked. 2 dae it still hurts.........owww. shu hui getting more irritating dae by dae......keep on saying sum crap thing about sally.........haiz.....haiz..... cant the hell she give it a rest!!!??? shit. 2 day also stay back do lit skit...... i think i did quite good......haha. i think. now in com lab..... sally n wan tian behind. all the other crappies left earlier. bye bye.

posted by CTC @ 1:01 AM

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Hello........crappiez out there....its been long since i!!!???? any ways.....much has happened since my last entry......hmmm.....i was rather busy all tis while...... well, quite a lot has happened.... and it is roughy quite crap. the most strange happenings were when we filmed our english and my advertisement about the monks alias potong pasir joint temples association......and i was the stoopid mask rober n i had to rob kasturi.....and then there was tis dae i stay back and wantian ask me if i still like sally or not........hmmmmm....all days are quite depressing, really.....and i have to stay back tis few daes...... boring... anyway, i got tickets for singapore and others again tell me to invite sally.....knowing that she wont go. hmmmm.... should i invite ssb or kenny......hmmmm. anyway, i am soooo excited to be on tv!!!!! cool......anyway.... these few days im 'LOL'......LITERALLY...... i am lack of feels so bad.....u know wat i mean right!!!??? i see her beautiful face all day......and it pains me to think ofher....i really like sally and think of her dae n night......i know it is impossible.....but i just.....think too much....anyway....every night when i cannot sleep....i will just be like ...lying there ....and then my mind just floats away......and i think of her and everything starts to get dreamy n foggy like........ i really like her but i know it is not to be..........

posted by CTC @ 5:36 PM

Sunday, August 06, 2006

What a tiring, stupid and crappy day........what did ya was a fishin' black monday.....rightttttt......anyway, it wastotally time crisis today......literally...!!!! i woke up and left my house late and had to rush there to school......i made it just in time......phew...that was a close one!!! they were already closing the gates when i rushed in...and i rushed in and sat behind and saw.......wait a minute... before i tell you this story,......i shall tell u THIS story. anyway, it was about saturdays ' special walk' the mornin' i went to amk station to meet adrian, shuhui and xin ni......and saw many cbss students around...... seemed that adrian was early....then i just turned around and saw.....wantian....DUH.....and sally.....WOW!!!! i was about to go and try to talk to them ...then i realised that they were with sum sickening 2e1 dudes and so, i did not go to them...and then, sum more fishers and even sum upper secs joined...great...just fantastic...then shu hui and xin ni came and we went there bus....and later i went there....redeem my hat n water, drank the water...slung my free hat on my bag...and wore my own billabong hat...looks infinately cooler...haha. i then sat down and waited for all that crap emcee had to say be4 starting the walk.. which sucked and we had to pick shit sally was carrying that gorgeous blue op cool. i think that she really likes op too....haha...i think. but prob is, later i could not find her, could not see her cute hoo hoo.....[crying] she just like...disappeared...MIA just like that. chia hao treated me to a drink.
..thanks ch......then we went to the stinking white sands to eat...that shopping mall sucked... big time. then, with adrians 'bright' idea....we took the lllllooooonnnnnggggg journey to bus.crap. then they went to sum crap accesory store n music cd and clothe and toy store....crap!!!!!it sure sucked!! then i went to popular and saw russel lee there...he looked pretty stoopid, [LOL] then we went to xin nis house for a while later and i went back home...sounds crappy, right!!!! right. crappy day. nowwwww.....back to the other untold story. well, as i went and sat down hurriedly...i looked in front n saw malini and yun long and sumita and sally ........AAAAIIIIIIEEEE!!!!! is that seriously what i was seeing!!!????....... it was!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! i say it in slo motion...haha. sallys......ears... had became like those of an elephant.....haha just kidding. but she was now wearing earings.....first time la sia!!! sum how....she looked...well....different....... but she still looked as cute, beautiful and smart as ever...i still like her...what matters most is not her outside apperance.. but her inside...she is a very good and kind person......and has a great heart..that is all i can say. any way, wan tian got new stuff too ...i think...they really do everything together.....hmmmmm......anyway the rest of the day went fine... i think.....and i bought two more correction tapes!!!! mwa ha ha ha ha!!!! i have 9 in my pencil box now......he he he. i have lottsa' hw and so, tata, ados and see u next next entry wont be long... wait 4 it!!!!!!!!!!

posted by CTC @ 11:44 PM

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hi all you crappy dudes out there!!!!this is ctc here....[lame]!! anyway, if i was not wrong, yesterday, i said sum thing about telling u what clifford make a wrong story short, it was CRAPPPPPPP!!!!!!! that split chin bus3rd told me sum crap that fished up arsehole......i dont believe what that fishing bus3rd said...he said it was only about sallys nickname at home.....and not about sum d1.......right.......and he did not want to tell me the name......haha!!! anywayss, 2 dae was a rather boring day i should say.....during lit, we watched the bangala movie[life] again....and it sure sucked real was so friggin' gloomy...with all that bangalas everywhere....haha. then the teacher told us to choose the group we want to be in the up coming lit skit thingy......wobbly wobble...when the list came to me....i saw sally, xin ni, shu hui and wantian in group4 and i wrote group 4 beside my name.....but later had a bad feeling that sally n wantian would not want me in their group.....and i check the list and then.....arggghhhh!!!!!! just as i expected...... how could they do this to me!!!???? they had erased the 'group 4' next to my name......i was so hurt and sad at that moment........could it be that sally really dislikes me that much!!!!??? i then chose cliffords group and then went back to class sadly........but then, at class, i was told to join zhao fas group instead of cliffords as the max in 1 group waz 4!!!!! the wonder i had been erased from sallys group... as it was already full... i was glad i had not given up hope....everything happens for a reason...but i would have appreciated if they informed me about it not cause any mis, she was still the wonderful princess after all!!!!!yayyyyy!!!!laer, when we assembled 4 recess.....sally could sit anywhere......back or front......but sit in front of me!!! i did not know if it was just a coincidence......but i was happy just as well!!!!!!!!haha ...and the stupid clifford kept pushing me towards her...stupid red dog...anyway, it was overall quite a good adios and see u next time!!!!!!

posted by CTC @ 10:04 PM

Ha ha ha!!!!!back... again!! part 2 of the sucking day trilogy!!!any way, now i am in com lab n the previous entry was in ssbs house.....the cum gong[act stupid] tian yi was there eating his instant noodles and wanted to play his @#!@$%@#$&^%&*(%&^ maple story....MAPLE STORY SUCKS!!! to the core....but i was busy writing the blog and i did not let him play!!MWA HA HA HA!!!!!MAPLE SUCKSSSSSS!!!!!! I HATE MAPLE!!! anyway, during the art relief lesson, MLM STRIKES BACK again and he proceeded to flirt....... then the stupid crappy clifford joined flirty bus3rd minute he says he finds MLM irritating, the next he joins him and flirt....stoopid bugger....but i did not care about them and drew my comic the way........THE LAST COMIC OFTHE 2E3 TRILOGY IS IN THE MAKING.....U HAVE GOT TO READ THE FINAL COMIC!!!!![ the 2e3 trilogy part5; ARMAGGEDON- THE WAR OF THE CLASSES] is coming!!! watch out for it!!!! the ultimate battle between 2e1, 2e2, 2e3, 2na and 2ta has begun and there will only be 1 champion...but a dark and evil force will rise again.......will the dreaded and evil MLM AKA MELVIN THE LADIES MAN return!!!!!???? and has maple story man been ressurected!!!!!???read the comic to find out.....coming soon to a 2e3 near u!!![LOL] back to the point.....when the bell rang and we went out of the class, clifford told me that mlm, he, wantian and sally were talking about stuff...some sick stuff andabout the infamous nickname i gave sally...[d1]......hmmmm...interesting. i wanted to ask cw for more details but he just said it was sick stuff and rushed to his mothers fish much fish as a fish market.which reminds me...i hav 2 go home and call cw...and ask him wat it is all about....i will published wat ever he says....i think... of course not the explict contents....if there are...haha. so i gotta go now!!!! see ya!!! ta ta and adios!!!!!!PS[ I GOT A BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS........]

posted by CTC @ 12:50 AM

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

What a crappy crappy crap just the way ,i know i havent written in a long time...much has happened and, it was mostly boring.....i think! anyways, my latest comic, THE 2E3 TRILOGY PART5[ THE 28 CRAPPIES]AN INTRODUCTION IS OUT!!!be sure to read contains juicy info about the 28 crappies....and some others!!back to the~@~@#!#@#$%$^% point...anyway, today started cout....good... ithink. we had the crappy english and then the stinky pe...we played the 1234655675764#$@@#$% TOUCH RUGBY....and first match, we lost.....yipee.....then , the losers had to fight the losers, and the winners fight the winners...i fought clifford and his gang.....first, we defended and we managed to block them......and they did not score....then, we were the attackers and we attacked.....then, on the final tap....brandon told me to mark clifford, and block him so we could reach their line n score....then clifford told sally to come and mark me. weired. right....then, we charged and clifford ran towards me before sally could even move a muscle. i charged....and rammed clifford to the ground...whoops!!!!!!although he was alright. then we had recess, and then mathsand then all that stinky periods with the stupid shu hui disturbing me and kala being irritating.....then i discoveredthat i passed my science test!!!!cool.. then next was art and wehad a relief teacher be continued

posted by CTC @ 11:27 PM

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