Thursday, July 27, 2006

Hello all crappies out there!!!!! ben a good day?????!!!!!....or rather....bad[haha] 2 dae was not so bad and in fact was good...sum way or another. the day started with english..not so interesting..but still quite cool !! i got to act sum crap was crap!!!he he. next, it was pe... we played some rugby game ...and i did not get a chance to get the ball....crap!! but i think zhao fa , yunlong and clifford were better...i would surely screw up if i took the wantian, sally and i just walked around.... we all were in the same team, u see. then, it was fights happened 2 day and all was peaceful!!! at last.......then i went to the toilet to change..and the stinkin, pervertic, jackjass, despicable, evil, crazy, inhumane, dastardy, mental, insane,rotten, dirty, smelly, filthy, monstrous, cruel, wicked, sick, villianous, notorious, atrocious, destrutive and perverted adrian scum tried to peep at me!!!!!what a despo gay pervert!!!!after that, i went to the bookshop to buy stuff...clifford lent me 10cents... thanks, red dog!!! after that, we had maths then science...after an even longer while...finally the last two periods of the by the way, during recess, we met the chinese teacher and she said that cliffords compo and mushy compo was good!!! clifford quickly ran away... and i ended up helping the teacher put her plate back!!DRATS!!!! any way, back to the point! the first free art period was spent drawing my latest comic...or rather introduction,THE 2E3 ADVENTURES TRILOGY [part4] the 28 crappies, featuring the dudes from two third n sum next week should finish!!!be sure to read!!clear handwriting, interesting and juicyinfo and no violence and bllod and gore!!!!be sure to book it!!!!!any way, i am already finished with omega mlms design!!!every 1 said it was cool!!!anyway, back to the point...again[ i sure go out of point easily] as i was writing the discriptions of the various characters, i saw wan tian n sally walking around, checking out the different tables activities, as they had nothing to was yhe second period of art and last of the day...i was writing kasturis discription when suddenly wan tian popped up at my table....followed by sally....aiiiiee..that was then, they were talking to me....with cliffor, xin ni and shu hui around sally sure was beautiful up close......with those sparkling eyes, soft black silky hair, cute and adrable face....and ......nice specs. i prefer girls who wear specs..... so elegant, her pair of blue specs.....then, she was squatting/kneeling down and putting her hands on my shu hui was teasing me reapeatedly...that pesky mow, i had stopped my drawing and was entertaining them..and listening to shu hui talking nonsense...stupid mow, i was blushing and feeling all hot and flushed and...weird with all her embarassing talk...then, she said some thing about i being good nice and quiet when sally was here and saying good things about me to sally......last time, she would have pretended to puke and show signs of disgust and wan tian would have started scolding shu hui and fact, last time they would not even be at my table. i expected the worst and thought that sally would scold me again....and was ready to kill shu hui and be sad and depressed after sallys remarks ....but that did not fact, if i was not wrong, sally was giggling, smiling sweetly and grinning instead of showing a black face...JOY...OH....JOY......just seeing her smile melts my heart like butter....with a warm fuzzy feeling inside me.....times like this, i wonder why i bother to draw comics to be happy anyway.....anyway, it was soon the end of school and all of us went home... the visit from sally really made my thank you and stay cute!! adios and see u next time.....wait for my next blog entry!!!!! what a happy day it has been!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted by CTC @ 12:41 AM

Hello yall crappies out there....continued from where i leftoff....... anyway, brandon was teasing and insulting me as i sang [bad day].......STUPID DISGUSTING BRAT!!!!! i was so hurt and discouraged.... heand kenneth began being action and started to fake to vommit.......i was just trying to sing...they need not be such a pain in the neck....bunch of stinking least i was trying...not like them.....any way, the worst was still to come.....i was about to face some real CRAP........the next day..all the boys... at least almost all the boys were having moodswings......serious.....i too was not feling too good and i scolded some people for nothin.....SORRY ABOUT THAT...... anyways,the assembly about claymationSUCKED TO HIGH HEAVAN........WHAT THE, we had literature...watching some movie named life...about bangalas....if i'll be was quite crap actually...suddenly, dahhnie was called out by the vice principal.....WHAT THE TOOTY TOOT TOOT TOOTY TOOT TOOT JUST HAPPENED....i would soon find out...later we went back to class and then zhao fa was called by the OM....woah!!!!!! seems that the day be 4, zf had took away dahhnies chair when she wanted to seat....and she fell down and hurt herself....and her father was here....zf had some serious explanation to do ..and sure was in deep shit......later at recess, another bad thingy thing thing happened....and i was involved...ahh!!!! i went to buy rice, and sat in front of brandon...he was eating his chili noodles again...and he was finishing......and clifford had just bought his rice and 100 plusand was coming....then brandon tried to grab cliffords food then clifford pushed away his chopsticks...which were coated in chili...then he tapped brandons back to tell him stop it....with the chili on his hand.....then all hell went loose...bran diacarded his bowls and .....took out a double barrel, multiround, 20 gauge, semi- automatic combat shotgun and blasted clifford....just kidding...LOL. Then, he threwcliffords bottle....which hit my head...that hurt...owwwwww.....then he and cw pushed each other.....then the om came and talked to them...then the sick adrian n kenneth scolded me for nothing and then chia hao told me to stop protesting and then zhao fa came along n told me to stop talking.....AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH HEEEELLLLPPP MEEE... everyone was so horribly and incredibly FISHED UP, FISHED UP, I SAY....FISHED UP!!!!!!!!WOBBLY WOBBLE WOBBLE WOBBLY WOBBLY WOBBLY WOBBLE WOBBLE WOBBLE......ARGGHHHHHH!!!!!! another stinking bad day.......shit stuff!!!!!only aswin,panir melvin,yufengand kian en were'alright'........MAY THE MONKS TEMPLE BURN was really a bad day...SHITTY SHITTY SHIT SHIT...CRAPPY CRAPPY CRAP CRAP CRAP.....what a bad day and day before......this sucks man!!!!!!

posted by CTC @ 12:05 AM

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Part 2 of todays crappy entry........Wobbly wobble......shake shake....[just being lame] anyways, we went back to class for our CME lim was telling us to fill in some suggestion form thingy.....aand while she was writing, she played the music....from her laptop, happens that one of the songs was[BAD DAY]......IT SURE WAS A BAD DAY ALL RIGHT....... to be continued

posted by CTC @ 12:00 AM

Monday, July 24, 2006

What a....half crappy day!!!!!now, i am currently at com lab for science.....what the toot.........must be careful not to get caught.....OH NO .......FALSE ERROR.....anyway, for todays homeecon, we make the mac n cheese.....what the !@@##$_(&$#^%!!!! iam sure it should have tasted horrible...... i teamed up with kasturi this time.....and i accidently used cheddar instead of mozzerella...HA HA but i tried it and it tasted ok...if not bad...then i went to recess, where kian en was collecting bottles....and anyway, clifford went to get a new pencil...speaking of clifford, he had no chance to see my chinese compo as the teacher had not marked finished friday YAY!!!!! then, that stinking good for nothing brandon scum was lecturing me aboutnot to say MLM....WHAT THE HELL!!!WHY SHOULD THAT STINKING GOOD FOR NOTHING #!@#!#!#$@@$%#$&*&()* BAK KU TEH DUDE CARE????!! MY MOUTH WHAT...problem is, if he is a goody goody student, i dont mind as he can tell me not to say..but WHAT THE TOOT???!!!HE IS A STINKING PERVERT, A CRAPPY GUY A ACTION JACKASS who is just ACTING GOOD..... he keeps disturbing and distracting everyone and is now so 'action'!!!!! he teases tian yi, adrian and kenneth, and always tries to get attention....trying to act action....what a sickening parasite!!!! he really has changed after the holiday.....for the bad, like mlm.....WHAT THE FISH.....THERE IS NO JUSTICE AND NOTHING HOLY LEFT IN THIS WORLD ARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY COW, HOLY ELEPHNT, HOLY HIPPO, HOLY TIGER, HOLY LION, HOLY GIRAFFE, HOLY BEAR, HOLY ENTIRE ZOO, HOLY SHIT....HOLY EVERY THING!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!THIS SUCKS MAN....SUCKS REAL BAD.....any way i cant do any is them, not me.... so ijust have to stay happy and forget about miserable jackasses like adios and till next time.

posted by CTC @ 8:06 PM

What A TIRING HELLUVA DAY IT HAS BEEN...... quite a few days since i wrote in.......and anyway today is another crappy day...........everyday is crappy in crappy 2e3...... WITH THE 28.....or rather 27 crappies!!!!!!! arie did not come today. in the mornin, there was a rather BORING period of the trianee teacher miss lin had sad, but she treated us to icecream before she, after english, wasMATHS, not so boring , but still boring!!! i kept discussing with clifford howOMEGA MLM should look like, but i just could not figure out how to draw its head!!!!!???? DANG!!!!!FIDDLESTICKS!!!!!!HOLY COW, HOLY ELEPHANT, HOLY !!#@!#@#$@$#@$#%^$$&%&*(&(_+)+_()&*^%, HOLY EVERYTHING!!! CRAP!!! anyway, my latest comic, 2e3 trilogy part 3[ THE WRATH OF THE COUNCILORS] IS OUT....BE SURE to read it. i plan to write a introduction on all the 28 crappies next, minus all the violence and blood.....and remember, ctcs comics are 100 percent vulgar word free!!! anyway, i spent most of my money buying stationery and quite broke...anyway,and after recess, we had more crap boring lessons..but when chinese came, clifford the big red dog kept teasing me about my chinese compo,...which...was about sally and had mushy stuff in it thanks to him, shu hui and xin ni...they kept helping me with words i did not know.....clifford saying that if teacher returned the compo , he would snatch it and look at the marks....what a jackass......i think the teacher will return it tomorrow......WOW...GREAT.....JUST precious....i think that would have been the best chinese compo i have ever written.......anyway...the english test after school was quite easy....i, ADIOS and till next time!!! wait for my next wont be long!!!!!!

posted by CTC @ 1:37 AM

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

What another crappy day in @ crappy class.............but what to expect????!!!!!! 2e3 the crappies...anyway, nothin much happened today.......we cooked chicken porridge for home econ....i let my partner tian yi eat the disgusting lump of shit......HOLYCRAP.....I ADDED LOTS AND LOTS OF PEPPER...HAHAHA! i did not use my apron because it was MOULDY.......SERIOUS!!!!!! anyway, i still did the cooking. after recess, clifford and i discussed about wheter "MLM" should return or not...........together with maple the way, iam an anti-maple and i hate maple sucks to the core.....i dread the day and curse the day it was born..... if you want to know about MLM and the maple sure to read 2e3 adventures part1, MLM[MELVIN THE LADIES MAN].....2E3ADVENTURES part2 [THE RETURN OF THE OUTCASTS] also avaliable....later in the day, actually after school, clifford yufeng, dahhnie, wan tian,sally and me were told to wait at and present our rh power point at 1e1 we did not present yesterday...because clifford had to go for tuition....later clifford went off again..........and later the talkative irritating and so pain in the ass aswin came along...i thought that jackass had went home...little bugger...piece of crap!!!! it also seemed that we would have to present at 2e1 instead of 1e1......GREAT....JUST.....GREAT.....we went to the evil 2e1 class with a few female dogs around.......we went to sit down ...and while i tried to read my book....that STINKING,ROTTEN,SMELLY,FILTHY,DISGUSTING,DASTARDY ASWIN SCUM kept on disturbing me.....@@@@####$$$%%%^^^&&&***((()))___++__))(*)()(_*)&*(&*(^&%^$^%$#$@#$!@#!~#@@#$~!#^%^&*%^@$!#@%&*%^#%!@#@%^T&*&(*&*)(*_)_*)(!@!#@@#$@#%#%^#$#^%$#%*^%*(_)(_)+)+(*)&*%^#$@$!$#^%&%&%^*^(& ASWIN............BURN HIM TO DEATH.... TEAR HIM INTO i decided to play it his way.....he was playing with someone elses correction tape....and was spinning and slamming it everywhere like a action figure....LOL. i said'hey aswin!!! lets play truth or dare!!!!' i spin the correction tape and it was his turn......'truth or dare!!!!!!?????TRUTH!!!!HAHA!!! ARE YOU A GAY!!!!?????' ASWIN REPLIED NO OFcourse......or there would be sum thing seriously wrong with him............then he sin the friggin tape and it was my turn!!!!HOLY COW......GOD IN HEAVAN....i have to answer his crappy question...!!!with an evil grin, he asked me 'truth or dare!!!???' i said truth and he laughed and smiled cheekily....looking like a minature version of yufeng.......'DO YOU LIKE SALLY!!!!!?????'........I WAS SHOCKED ......but actually not very shocked......aswin laughed an evil laugh.......wicked arsehole........but from the bottom of my heart......the answer is.........YES. i still like her , although it is time to face the truth........i will never be with her........sounds like a line from the song 'your beautiful'....anyway, we were called to present and lets just saythat......well.....WE SCREWED UP BADLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted by CTC @ 12:17 AM

Monday, July 17, 2006

Today was quite a crappy day........the weird stuff happened as quickly as it stopped........firstly, the history teacher did not come and the entire friggin 2e3 was so!!! used to it.
....i guess....anyway, it was as noisy as ever...with students practicing for thir dreaded moment......after school.....the rh front of blood thirsty ses2s and1s..........and 'GOOD STUDENTS' doing their science hw.......actually....most of them girls. i was reading my new bookwhen suddenly, there was a small commotion/crowd at sallys table.....seems that kenneth had provoked her in some way....and she had retaliated...zhao fa and adrian were around and it seemed that sally was very angry.....adrian kept trying to get a response from her but to no avail.........he then poked her hand......ewww...and she still did not respond.then, at that time, there were quite a few 'KAYPOH' boys gathered around and some were teasing them.....then kianen aka ssb told the boys not to tease the sally because i would be angry.......WHAT THE??!! anyway, i was used to it as i have been famous for liking her before....then, most of the boys dispersed... but adrian continued...but he suddenly smiled slyly and said'OH, TC IS HERE...I MUST NOT TEASE SALLY IF NOT TC WILL BEAT ME...' another lil ' teaser aimed at bad... then MR CLIFFORD THE GENTLEMAN tried to add wood into the fire and be 'extra'.....HOLY CRAP!!!!!!he went to ask here ask there and asked wantian.....then he told me about it.....HOLY CRAP.........EXTRA GUY......lucky i did not try to intervere and defend sally or else iwould probably be scolded by her....although i really wanted to help her......then, all of a sudden, all the crowd went to aswin....anyway, the sally matter was resolved by zhao fa. anyway, it seemed that adrian had been bullying aswin........again.......and all the boys had gathered to watch the 'SHOW" by the time i went to the "battlefield",blood had been spilt...and aswin was crying and wasting pen ink and paper as he was scribbling wildly on his science text book....i tried to comfort aswin,together with clifford and ssb......but aswin the ungrateful dude ignored and seemed angry with us...CRAP!!!!!but zhao fa was missimg....later, i knew that he had repoted to mr chan about adrian bullying aswin.....and adrian was sent to the general office....poor guy but i think that he desrved it.....although aswin was also being cocky........anyway, tianyi and kenneth fought in the morning and kenneth ended up having a spec lense come out.....lucky his eye was not injured........anyway ithad been a crappy and hard day.....lucky for adrian, nothing happenedto him and he hadno punishment....Wow.......eacaping from the jaws of anyway adios and till next out for my next entry!!!!!!!

posted by CTC @ 12:29 AM

Thursday, July 06, 2006

what an ideal school consists of

An ideal school should be a friendly,warm and caring place which is bright, colourful and makes the students feel safe and have a sense of security should be a happy and a exellent place to leran and study, a place which students will look forward to go to.It should have nice,understanding, strict and firm,but caring teachers.the teachers should be experienced and able to teach the students well,telling them right from wrong.
The pricipal should be wise, learned and caring,thinking about the teachers ad students welfare.the priciple will make all the right decisionns which benefit the teachers and student, and should be very generous and giving.the principal should also be strict and uphold and impose school rules and maintain discipline,making the school a better place to be, like a second home for the students and teachers.
There should also be a warm and bright enviorment, for a place for the students to study coducievly.the classrooms should be bright and airy, not hot,dark and stuffy, so students can concentrate and absorb what the teacher is teaching.the canteen should be spacious and cool,for the teachersand students to eat and for students to do their work.there will be various rooms to facilitate school activites.
All in all, the school should be like a warm and caring big,happy family where everyone cares for eachother.

posted by CTC @ 12:47 AM

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